Shydac Soup Kitchen
and Youth Centre 

The Shydac Soup Kitchen and Youth Centre, located in Parkdene, George in the Western Cape of South Africa, is a labor of love run by Pearly Lewis, with the support of her husband Gerald. Pearly began the project when her son became involved with a negative crowd and struggled with substance abuse. Today, she serves approximately 200 individuals daily, predominantly schoolchildren and the elderly.

Pearly is a beacon of hope and an inspiration to her community, having received numerous humanitarian awards for her selfless efforts. She has sacrificed her home and personal space to provide a safe haven for the youth in the area. Children have access to a secure place to complete their homework, and on weekends, Pearly hosts events to keep them off the streets and away from the harmful influence of individuals involved in drugs and other negative activities that plague the area.

Alone we can make a small difference,
but together we can change a community.