Arms of Love is a non-profit organization located in George, South Africa. It is dedicated to feeding
the hungry and supporting the children in these impoverished communities. The organization
supports soup kitchens that feed approximately 2000 meals a week, of which the main beneficiaries
are children and the aged. Often this meal is the only meal the children will have for the day.
In addition to its feeding schemes, Arms of Love has begun to partner with Early Childhood
Development Centres in these disadvantaged communities to provide a secure and safe
environment for the children in which they can be educated, fed and cared for.
The goal of Arms of Love is to break the cycle of poverty and suffering for children in the George
community, and to provide them with the resources and support they need to reach their full
potential. Through its various programs and services, the organization is making a positive impact on
the lives of countless children and families in the area.
The entire team at Arms of Love work on a voluntary basis to ensure that 100% of donations
received is used for the purpose intended.
Please contact us if you require a 18A Tax Certificate for your donation
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